Desert Cinema Podcast's Fan Box

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The people at Marvel are busy

Ya gotta love Marvel. Even if Iron Man wasn't the best comic book movie of the year, it stands up there as the best of all time. A lot of news flowed out this week so lets start with...

Daniel Craig turning down the role of Thor. The Asgard God is a big deal to nerds but personally I never found him that awesome. Regardless Craig told press at a Quantum of Solace junket that it would've been too much for him to be playing both Bond and Thor. Good for Craig. I'm not saying he would've been a bad Thor, but I not only agree with his reason but think that there is someone (that's not a wreastler) better suited for the job.

Dr. Strange is a cool superhero that deserves his own movie. Thank God Marvel realizes this and plans on releasing a Dr. Strange movie AFTER the Avengers movie in 2010. President of Production for Marvel says "I'd say in the next year, year and a half, as we start putting together our film slate for 2012 and 2013, I would not be shocked if we saw Dr. Strange on those lists. I love the idea of taping into the magical realm of the Marvel Universe, which is fairly significant and hasn't yet seen life on screen. It's something I'm very, very interested in." Great news. At this point we have a great line up for Superhero movies from Marvel that's putting 1-2 movies out every year through 2012.

If you stayed after Iron Man's credits, you know Sam Jackson appeared as Nick Fury. I'm particularly excited to tell you Fury (Who won't be recieving his own movie) is going to have a more prominant role in Iron Man 2.


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