Christian Bale is an actor who is talented but really hasn't caught his section of the limelight til now. Sure Batman was big (or so I'm told, I haven't really seen any of his movies) but people can still go through life not knowing who Christian Bale IS! Now here is where you'll really get to know him. Public Enemies is the newest offering from Michael Mann and revolve around John Dillinger played by the phenomenal Johnny Depp. The movie looks to be....*gulp*...the best movie of 2009? Anyone? Anyways, It looks great and no matter how much I talk about it the trailer honestly speaks for itself. Terminator Salvation looks equally as good in a stunning reinvention of the Terminator franchise it seems grown up John Connor will be taking on Terminators that think they're humans....odd right? But brilliant. Sure it looks mildly Transformers-esc but none the less amazing. Terminator - A-, Public Enemies - A+
ok, so...when are you gonna update the podcast?
Ya, sorry. We did one a while back, and there were all sorts of complications regarding size of files, sites that would accept it. All sorts of stuff messed up our weekly plans. But I should be going to a Podcasting Conference in April which should help
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