May have just been me, but Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian is nothing more than a cash in, special effects show boat. And for anyone to think more than that would be foolish.
The original Night at the Museum was an average film. It had enough moderately funny moments for me to think it was worth while, but it also had lots of Monkey slapping and unnecessarily long sequences, but the premise of Dick Van Dike wanting to steal the tablet was intriguing.
Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian takes the same thing and manages to make it a bit worse. Moving the film to DC was a great decision, but unfortunately the film adds so many seemingly irrelevant characters (Darth Vader = Unneeded) and seemingly irrelevant scenes (The Octopus was just a mere demonstration of the special effects but it added nothing to the story) for me to say that making a sequel was necessary.
But the movie was funny. The cupids (who I later found out were the Jonas brothers and I actually hate myself for writing this) were surprisingly funny and many of Hank Azarias scenes were funny. In fact the films greatest strengths were Azaria and Amy Adams, whose delivery of over the top goofy lines was perfect and makes me think I could dig an Amelia Earhart film with her.
nd I still think the formula is good, and adding new historical characters like Earhart and Custard was clever… but in the end I simply found my self overwhelmed by how much more complex this one was compared to its predecessor. Too many characters is what I attribute this to but I’m sure if you have kids they won’t care and will run out to buy Ben Stiller action figures complete with flash light and night guard uniform anyways. Night at the Museum 3? No thanks. Grade – C-
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