Desert Cinema Podcast's Fan Box

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Julie and Julia

Julie and Julia is a cute film and if I had to relate it to something, it'll be this years The Devil Wears Prada. Not because they both have Meryl Streep in them but because they're guy friendly chick flicks that are a summer escape. Screw The Proposal, this movie is the one you should take your guy to see.

The movies plot is basically divided into two separate plots, one about chef Julia Child's and her learning path to cooking, and Julie Powell, who decides that on top of the hassles to everyday life, she's going to start a cooking blog where she does 524 Child's recipes in 365 days, and the silent repercussions of doing that both to her husband's and her lives.

Julia is played by the wonderful Meryl Streep, who is again in an Oscar caliber performance mode. She sounds, after further post movie YouTube escapades to see what the real Julia Childs sounded like, exactly like the woman she's impersonating. If this turns out to be a lesser year, you can expect her name among the nominees. Julie is played by Amy Adams who again displays her depth as an actor. She can play the princess stereotypes, she can play innocent and impressionable, and now she has to play vulnerable yet strong and more...bold? I'm not sure what all Julie Powells character could need in real life but Adams impression seems damn good to me.

The movie does fall to about a 2 hour mark and while it never gross dull the movie does begin to feel long by the end of it. But the only true criticism of the movie is that the two storylines felt somewhat uneven. Julia's cooking story is fun but I never got the same feeling watching her "struggle" as I did watching Julies, who really had problems during her Julie/Julia project. A minor issue but it did begin to bother me at points.

Julie and Julia is light, fun, humorous, and entertaining enough to hold its own against the major blockbusters. If you're looking for something anyone can enjoy this movie would be it. Grade - A-

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